Aarhus University is subject to the Danish State’s self-insurance scheme. This means that the insurance company “Europæiske” administers the scheme on behalf of the Danish state.
Europæiske decides whether there is any liability for damages and if so, what the size of such damages should be. Europæiske pays doctor’s bills, damages etc., and AU (the department!) must subsequently refund the amounts concerned to Europæiske.
PhD students (both part A and part B) are covered by AU’s travel insurance when travelling on official business, for example conferences, courses, stays abroad, collaboration etc., but not on private vacation.
If you are taking vacation in connection with your official travel, you must make sure to buy your own travel insurance for the private part of the travel. You can obtain a discount from Europæiske if you are going on private holiday travel or supplementary holiday. Such insurance policies must be paid at your own expense.
As a starting point, the travel insurance only covers in connection with acute illness and injury. In the event that you are ill or have become injured before a trip, or should you have any other reason to believe that you will need a medical doctor or other treatment provider abroad, you should apply for prior medical approval.
Print your own insurance card: link to printable card. It is not necessary, but it may be handy to carry in your wallet. Aarhus University CVR no. is 31119103.
You can also find relevant contact information on the website: https://www.europaeiske.dk/statens-tjenesterejseforsikring/
English version is a google translation by website: https://www-europaeiske-dk.translate.goog/statens-tjenesterejseforsikring/?_x_tr_sl=da&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=da
If your host institution is asking for documentation to prove that you are covered by travel insurance (an insurance certificate), you can fill out this form:
Danish: https://www.europaeiske.dk/statens-tjenesterejseforsikring/formular/forsikringscertifikat/
The certificate will be sent to you
Before submitting a claim (e.g. lost/stolen luggage, reimbursement of doctor's bills etc), you must obtain a statement from your PhD supervisor confirming:
This statement must be signed by the head of secretariat (Katrine Mikkelsen) before submitting the claim at Europæiske website:
Use CVR number: 31119103
Contact the alarm center (open 24 hours): +45 70 10 90 30
AU costumer number: 31119103