Her finder du arkivet over interne nyheder og arrangementer på Institut for Kemi - hvis du har en nyhed eller et arrangement, du gerne vil have udbredt, så send et par linjer og relevante links/fotos til Sekretariatet (chem@au.dk)
Researchers at Aarhus University have discovered materials with record-high calcium (Ca²⁺) cationic conductivity due to a relatively open structure…
“I am honored and beyond excited to have the Villum Foundation supporting our research project on aerosol particles and clouds” Fabian says.
1. januar tiltræder professor Thomas Vosegaard som ny leder af Institut for Kemi. Han kommer med et stort kendskab til både forskningen og uddannelsen…
Using front-line home-built dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) instrument, researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry have for the first time…
Congratulations to Professor Troels Skrydstrup from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Chinese Government’s Friendship Award.
Flammen er slukket i glasværkstedet på Aarhus Universitet. Efter 37 år har Jens Christian Kondrup stoppet sin karriere som landets sidste af sin…
Med godt 60 millioner kroner fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond åbner professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk et nyt grundforskningscenter, som skal finde nye…
Congratulations to Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Rozenberg Tulip Award.
Sikkerhedsleder Peter Hald vil efterse sikkerhedsprocedurerne for de shows, som studerende ved Institut for Kemi står bag.
Troels Skrydstrup and his team at Aarhus University have been awarded Plastprisen for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award recognizes…
Nye medlemmer af Videnskabernes Selskab er valgt.
"A variational reformulation of molecular properties in electronic-structure theory"
Artificial Internalizing Receptor Affords Fast, Potent, Specific Drug Delivery to the Chemically Engineered Cells
Fabian Mahrt er tiltrådt på Institut for Kemi 15. marts 2024.
Professor Birgit Schiøtt tiltræder som dekan ved Faculty of Natural Sciences den 1. maj. Hun bliver dermed øverste leder for det fakultet, hvor hun…
Ph.d.-studerende Eva Kjærgaard i Merete Bildes gruppe var både juryens og publikums favorit, da hun leverede sit indlevende og skarpt formulerede…
Prodrugs: Molecular, macromolecular, and supramolecular opportunities in drug delivery
Forskere ved Aarhus Universitet har opdaget et porøst materiale, hvor hydrogen kan pakkes dobbelt så tæt som i ren flydende hydrogen. Det skyldes, at…
Ny version
Troels Skrydstrup and the rest of the CETEC team have received the JEC Award for their groundbreaking and innovative recycling technology for wind…
In close collaboration with Novo Nordisk, a novel method has been developed to enhance the synthesis of therapeutic oligonucleotides for targeted…
Pressure-induced reversal of Peierls-like distortions elicits the polyamorphic transition in GeTe and GeSe
Målt hvordan og hvor hurtigt en enkelt natrium ion gradvist opløses af enkelte atomer i flydende helium.
Independent Research Fund Denmark supports four research projects with researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry at the helm. From…
Kemiker, professor og iværksætter Kim Daasbjerg bliver den første modtager af Else Kai Sass-prisen. Samarbejde, innovation og bemærkelsesværdig…
Den 1. september 2023 tiltræder Thibault Viennet som tenure track adjunkt på Institut for Kemi. Thibault kommer fra en stilling som postdoc på…
I fredags blev grundforskningscenteret Center for Chemistry of Clouds officielt åbnet med en festlig indvielse på Institut for Kemi. Ved indvielsen…
Developing novel analysis methods for small-angle X-ray scattering of bio-macromolecules
The first speaker in the QUBITS spring seminar series is Assoc. Prof. Maarten Goesten from the Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University. Maarten…
Understanding Laundry Formulations for Sustainable Washing: Interactions and Synergies between Surfactants and Enzymes
Elucidating the Transport and Inhibition of Ncbe
Zymogens for the Protein Cysteinome ‒ Synthesis of proenzymes for on-demand activation of catalysis
Exploring the Effects of Nanoconfinement on Biochemical Processes
Hydrogels with a Pinch of Embodied Intelligence
Time-resolved insights into nanoparticle formation through the eyes of X-rays
The aim of the 10th Brainnovation day on ““Renewable Materials and Recycling” is to significantly increase dialogue and collaboration between the…
The Nordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA)
The 21st Nordic Workshop on Scattering from Soft Matter is hosted by Professor Jan Skov Pedersen, iNANO & Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University.
Turning Proteins into Assays: Affinity-Guided Bioconjugation in the Assembly of Continuous Sensors
Peptide-conjugates and additives for intracellular protein delivery
Polymer binding at the DNA origami surface
Towards accessible extreme fluorescence sensing and single photon chiral emission
DNA origami based plasmonic nanoantennas for surface-enhanced Raman scattering and plasmonic chemistry
The Structure and Dynamics of Proteins in Nanoscopic Environments
Insights into Molecular Packing Structures using Multidimensional SFG Microscopy
Uptake of Organic Vapors and Nitric Acid on Atmospheric Freshly Nucleated Particles
Modern Solid-State Chemistry: Complex Anions and Chemical Bonding
In operando & in situ X-ray scattering studies of functional materials
Structure prediction and design of intrinsically disordered proteome
A [4+4] PhD: Advancing Cycloadditions to Restricted Areas by Asymmetric Aminocatalysis
Seawater as a source of atmospheric particles, plastic and ice nuclei
Application of CO2 mineralization in cementitious materials for valorization and recycling enhancement in cement and concrete
Carbonation of Cement-Based Materials: Insights about the Amorphous Alumina-Silica Gel
Chemistry of Disordered Crystals
Return of the Latent Space Cowboys: Rethinking the use of VAEs in Bayesian Optimisation over Structured Spaces
Effective Quantum Dynamical Coupled Cluster Developments & Benchmarks of Quantum Chemical Methods for Molecular Clusters
Molecular modelling of complex and crowded biomembranes
Under the Computational Microscope: Insights into the Insulin Receptor's Conformational Landscape
Chemical and optical nature of organic aerosol in urban China
A celebration of our latest B.Sc. graduates
Gapless materials in electronic contact with superconductors acquire proximity-induced superconductivity in a region near the interface.
Reading and writing the biosynthetic code of marine life
New Chlorine Radical Source over the North Atlantic: Photocatalytic Chloride to Chlorine Conversion by Iron in Aerosols
The primary steps of ion solvation
Passing cellular membranes with biomimetics – another holy grail or just the final frontier?