Qualifying exam

Qualifying exam

The qualifying examination concludes Part A of the PhD studies. The PhD student must pass the qualifying examination to continue his or her PhD studies in Part B. Through a progress report and an oral examination, the PhD student must demonstrate solid progress on the research project, present an ambitious and realistic plan for Part B of the PhD studies and show an ability to communicate scientific work. 

The examination consists of the following elements:

  1. The progress report
  2. An examination on the research activities of Part A taking its starting point in the progress report, and a discussion of the plans for Part B. 

The examination committee

The examination committee consists of the main supervisor, the internal examiner (chair) and an external examiner (censor)

The role of the main superviser:

  • chooses the censor and arranges the date and time of the exam. Remember to clear the schedule with the internal examiner (chair) first
  • books a room for exam, can be also booked through the secretariet (Lene Conley)
  • hotel for the censor (if needed) can be booked through the secretariet (Lene Conley)
  • lunch for the committee before the exam can be booked through the information office

The role role of the internal examiner

  • is a member of the Chemistry PhD committee
  • his/her task is to lead the examination and ensure that the examination is impartial and consistent
  • coordinates the written statement of the exam

The progress report

A document written in English by the PhD student with a detailed account of the status of the supervised research project and a discussion of the research plans for Part B. The total length of the progress report must not exceed 30 pages.

The oral examination

The exam can last up to two hours and consists of:

  • welcome by the internal examinator
  • an oral presentation by the PhD student, aprx. 30 (-40) min
  • questions by the external examiner, aprx. 30-40 min
  • questions by the supervisor, aprx. 10-15 min
  • maybe a few questions by internal examiner
  • evaluation of the examination
  • feedback to PhD student

The reception

The PhD student can book a room at the Department to have a reception following the exam.

  • Only students from research groups at the Department of Chemistry are allowed to book rooms for post-exam receptions. This means your supervisor must be employed at the Department of Chemistry.
  • Only one room may be booked per reception.
  • The duration of the reception may not exceed 4 hours from the end of the exam, including setup and cleanup.
  • The latest possible end time for the reception is 19.00. The reception and cleanup must be completed by 19.00, unless otherwise specifically agreed with the department.
  • Department events, teaching, and exams always have priority.
  • Rooms must be returned ready for use in teaching: Tables and chairs must be set up correctly and thoroughly wiped down, trash bins must be emptied, and waste disposed of.
  • The PhD student is responsible for cleaning up, turning off lights, closing windows/doors, and managing their own and guests' behavior. Inadequate cleaning or other deficiencies will be addressed at the PhD student’s expense and may incur charges.
  • Please note that there are alarms on all windows and entrance doors. Therefore, all doors and windows must remain closed after 16.00.

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