All monthly paid employees at Department of Chemistry (i.e. VIP, TAP, PhD) must inform the department of holidays and absence (illness etc.).
It is the individual employee's responsibility to ensure that absence/holidays are registered and held within the given holiday year.
Absence and holiday must be registered by email to Jeanette Dandanell ( (cc. your supervisor) or via the self-service portal (with a note on what changes has been made):
All absence must be listed in your OUTLOOK calendar.
All employees are on the concurrent holiday scheme. Concurrent holiday means that the holiday earned during the year can be taken on an ongoing basis.
NB: Holidays cannot be taken in advance of being earned.
Find further information and check your holidays (planned and available).
The holiday accrual year runs from 01 September to 31 August.
The holiday period runs from 01 September to 31 December.
As a general rule, 3 weeks (at least) must be taken during the main holiday period (01 May - 30 September).
Only due to special circumstances will it be possible to deviate from this upon agreement with closest leader and the department.
At the Department of Chemistry, holidays and special holidays have been preregistered for all monthly-paid employees according to their accrual plan for these periods:
The dates can be altered upon agreement with nearest leader and changes must be registered via the self-service in mitHR, or reported by email to Jeanette Dandanell ( Your leader/supervisor must be cc on the email.
Changes may also be made via the self-service portal. It is important to describe what has been changed.:
Changes are only possible prior to the preregistered holiday already in the system.
The special holidays (særlige feriedage) are accrued from 01 January–31 December, and can be held the following year from 01 May and one year on.
The days are preregistered for week 7.
For temporary employees - including PhD students - accrued holiday equivalent to the standard holiday for the given period must be held within the period of employment. All holidays must be approved by the head of your group and/or the Head of Department.
NB! Special holidays must be held and will not be paid out, unless you have the consent of the Head of department or the head of your group, or are legally hindered (due to maternity leave, long-term illness etc.).
Check your holiday overview - sign in to mitHR
Questions may be directed to Jeanette Dandanell.