Her finder du arkivet over interne nyheder og arrangementer på Institut for Kemi - hvis du har en nyhed eller et arrangement, du gerne vil have udbredt, så send et par linjer og relevante links/fotos til Sekretariatet (chem@au.dk)
Congratulations to Professor Troels Skrydstrup from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Chinese Government’s Friendship Award.
Flammen er slukket i glasværkstedet på Aarhus Universitet. Efter 37 år har Jens Christian Kondrup stoppet sin karriere som landets sidste af sin…
Med godt 60 millioner kroner fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond åbner professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk et nyt grundforskningscenter, som skal finde nye…
Congratulations to Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf from iNANO and Department of Chemistry for receiving the Rozenberg Tulip Award.
Sikkerhedsleder Peter Hald vil efterse sikkerhedsprocedurerne for de shows, som studerende ved Institut for Kemi står bag.
Troels Skrydstrup and his team at Aarhus University have been awarded Plastprisen for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award recognizes…
Nye medlemmer af Videnskabernes Selskab er valgt.
"A variational reformulation of molecular properties in electronic-structure theory"
Artificial Internalizing Receptor Affords Fast, Potent, Specific Drug Delivery to the Chemically Engineered Cells
Fabian Mahrt er tiltrådt på Institut for Kemi 15. marts 2024.
Professor Birgit Schiøtt tiltræder som dekan ved Faculty of Natural Sciences den 1. maj. Hun bliver dermed øverste leder for det fakultet, hvor hun…
Ph.d.-studerende Eva Kjærgaard i Merete Bildes gruppe var både juryens og publikums favorit, da hun leverede sit indlevende og skarpt formulerede…
Prodrugs: Molecular, macromolecular, and supramolecular opportunities in drug delivery
Forskere ved Aarhus Universitet har opdaget et porøst materiale, hvor hydrogen kan pakkes dobbelt så tæt som i ren flydende hydrogen. Det skyldes, at…
Ny version
Troels Skrydstrup and the rest of the CETEC team have received the JEC Award for their groundbreaking and innovative recycling technology for wind…
In close collaboration with Novo Nordisk, a novel method has been developed to enhance the synthesis of therapeutic oligonucleotides for targeted…
Pressure-induced reversal of Peierls-like distortions elicits the polyamorphic transition in GeTe and GeSe
Målt hvordan og hvor hurtigt en enkelt natrium ion gradvist opløses af enkelte atomer i flydende helium.
Independent Research Fund Denmark supports four research projects with researchers from iNANO and Department of Chemistry at the helm. From…
In a beautiful fusion of science and art, two PhD students from iNANO at Aarhus University have created a stunning piece of folded paper art that now…
The groups of Birgit Schiøtt and Tobias Weidner publish an article about the folding of alpha synuclein at membrane surfaces in Nature Communications.…
Kemiker, professor og iværksætter Kim Daasbjerg bliver den første modtager af Else Kai Sass-prisen. Samarbejde, innovation og bemærkelsesværdig…
Den 1. september 2023 tiltræder Thibault Viennet som tenure track adjunkt på Institut for Kemi. Thibault kommer fra en stilling som postdoc på…
I fredags blev grundforskningscenteret Center for Chemistry of Clouds officielt åbnet med en festlig indvielse på Institut for Kemi. Ved indvielsen…
Ph.d. Gustav J. Wørmer vandt i fredags "Bedste ph.d.-afhandling indenfor organisk kemi i Danmark" ved Kemisk Forenings årsmøde.
Mechanism of CO2 electrochemical reduction to form hydrocarbons and alcohols, C1 and C2 products
Chemical Cell Engineering using Artificial Receptors
Laser-induced Alignment and Coulomb Explosion of Alkali Dimers on Helium Droplets
Uneven Mixtures
Artificial Receptors – Self-Immolative Mechanisms for the Design of Artificial Cell Communication Pathways
Towards Scaleable Batch Production of Oligosaccharides
Ion Solvation Dynamics in Helium Droplets
Testing new approaches to homogeneous electrochemical CO2 reduction
Innovative Concepts for Catalytic C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation
Measurements of aerosol optical properties: understanding emission sources of aerosols in coastal areas
A celebration of our latest B.Sc. graduates
Ubiquitous sources of PFAS in the environment
Development of Carbon Isotope Labeling Methods Employing CO
Targeted delivery to bacterial biofilms using vancomycin
Gapless materials in electronic contact with superconductors acquire proximity-induced superconductivity in a region near the interface.
Experimental and Computational Investigations of Asymmetric Organocatalyzed Reactions
Reading and writing the biosynthetic code of marine life
New Chlorine Radical Source over the North Atlantic: Photocatalytic Chloride to Chlorine Conversion by Iron in Aerosols
The primary steps of ion solvation
Passing cellular membranes with biomimetics – another holy grail or just the final frontier?