Compressed air


  • Compressed air is produced locally by compressing atmospheric air, drying it, and filtering it for particles.
  • Purity according to ISO : 8573 class 2, meaning: dew point of -40 degrees and a purity of 0.003 Micron
  • Pressure in the pipes is 7.8 bar during normal operation. If our emergency compressor activates, the pressure is a maximum of 6 bar.

  • The compressed air is not filtered chemically, thus its content of NOx and CO2 will be the same as the air outside the building.


  • Compressed air is used for drying, clean blowing, and for instruments.


  • Compressed air is often used directly.
  • If you want to regulate flow and pressure, you have to connect a needle valve and a pressure regulator.

FAQ/Typical errors:

  • Compressed air has the same content of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. Thus, it is not suited as inert atmosphere.
  • The pressure is high enough to be able to blow up closed glass flasks.

In case of operational problems:

Send an e-mail to Building Service:


Allan Madsen - mobile 2899 2015